Breakout sessions

A selection of breakout sessions will be held across the venue during two time slots. Delegates have been assigned to two breakout sessions - please check your delegate badge on the day of the event for details.

Kindness - Creating the Conditions for Improvement

1.20pm - 2.20pm

This masterclass explores the evidence supporting the importance of creating kinder organisational cultures as the basis for undertaking improvement activity.

It also offers insight into a tried and tested, practical framework, developed using quality improvement methodology, for improving kindness in your service or organisation. 

Delivered by:

Dan Grimes - System Director for Improvement and Transformation, Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust and Mersey Care.

An Introduction to Systems Leadership - Aqua

1.20pm - 2.20pm

2.30pm - 3.30pm

The session will give delegates an opportunity to explore the concept of system leadership and what that means for their leadership and the people they work with.

Delivered by:

Cathy Sloan - Head of System Transformation, Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua).

How Can NICE Support and Enable Local Systems to Improve Patient Outcomes

1.20pm - 1.50pm

A short introduction around the strategic direction of NICE - describing how it can support and enable the system to deliver better outcomes for patients. This will then be followed by table discussions on how delegates feel NICE can support them.

Delivered by:

Dr Clare Morgan - Director of Impact & Partnerships, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE).

Craig Davidson - Implementation Consultant, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE).

Alexa Forrester - Implementation Support Manager, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE).

Clinical and Care Professional Leadership: Opportunities for IMPACT

1.50pm - 2.20pm

In this session we will develop shared understanding of clinical and care professional leadership (CCPL) within the context of IMPACT.

Be ready to connect with colleagues from across the system to:

  • Explore your identity and role as a clinical and care leader

  • Generate ideas and inspiration for meaningfully leading IMPACT at scale

  • Create collaborative commitments for supporting integration of CCPL and IMPACT

Delivered by:

Jen Kohan - Head of Coaching, Health Innovation North West Coast.

Suzy Ning - National Operations Director, NHS Clinical Leaders Network.

Improvement Showcase and Discussion Highlighting Local Improvement Activity

1.20pm - 2.20pm

The session will include colleagues from three provider trusts showcasing best practice, chaired by Liam Doyle - Deputy Director of Quality Improvement, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital – Hospital Wide Flow Improvement Programme

Working with system partners to reduce the number of patients in hospital who no longer meet the criteria to reside.

Delivered by: 

Helen Walker - Associate Director of Improvement, Wirral University Teaching Hospital.

Alder Hey Hospital – Brilliant Basics Improvement System

Alder Hey will share their journey to the Brilliant Basic Improvement System, detailing integration from the boardroom to daily operations. The focus will be on the application within the Patient Safety Programme, highlighting practical improvements and enhanced patient safety outcomes.

Delivered by:

Nathan Askew - Chief Nursing, AHP and Experience Officer, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Natalie Palin - Director of Transformation and Change, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Jennie Williams - Head of Improvement, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.

Mersey Care - The National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative to reduce long-term segregation

The National HOPE(S) Programme is a co-produced, relentlessly positive, human rights-based approach to reducing long-term segregation (LTS) with people with a learning disability, autistic people and children and young people in in-patient hospitals in England.

Delivered by:

Dr Jennifer Kilcoyne - Director for the National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Danny Angus - Associate Director for the National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust.

Using the Building Blocks to See the Big Picture

2.30pm - 3.30pm

What do highly performing organisations have in common? Growing evidence suggests that it is an organisations’ ability to run a slick and effective ‘learning system'.

The Building Blocks framework distils the key components necessary to build an effective learning system and helps practitioners see how core concepts fit together. It was developed by Dr Peter Chamberlain using a combination of site visits, research within both high performing and failing organisations with ratification from experts in their field.

Over 20 NHS organisations have undertaken the full 'diagnostic' within learning communities supported by Advancing Quality Alliance.

Delivered by:

Dr Peter Chamberlain - Clinical Lead for Quality and System Improvement, NHS Cheshire & Merseyside

Sarah Walker - Programme Manager - Capability Building, Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua)


How the Model Health System Can Be Used to Support Your Improvement Journey

2.30pm - 3.30pm

This session will provide an introduction and overview of the Model Hospital System - an online data-driven improvement tool that supports health and care systems to improve patient outcomes and population health. The session will demonstrate how you can use the Model Health System to review the impact of your improvement work to support you on your journey to improvement.  

This session will also provide an introduction to the NHS England NW Improvement team and an overview of the how they can support improvement in your organisation.  

Delivered by:

Chloe Kastoryano - Relationship Lead, Model Health System, NHS England.

Jim Hatton - Deputy Director of Analytics, NHS England.

Stephen Hodges - Deputy Director System Improvement – Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS England NW.


Primary Care / Secondary Care Interface

2.30pm - 3pm

In this session you will hear about how NHS Cheshire and Merseyside is working to streamline pathways for patients at the interface between primary and secondary care.

This includes the published consensus document and supporting communications toolkit Primary and Secondary Care Interface - NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

Delivered by:

Dr Jonathan Griffiths - GP and Associate Medical Director - Primary Care, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.

Research and Innovation as a Main Cross Cutting Theme Within Cheshire and Merseyside's Improvement Journey

3pm - 3.30pm

Within this session we will explore the focus of research and innovation within the Clinical and Care Constitution and how world-class research and innovation, in partnership with academic institutions, will support Cheshire and Merseyside's improvement journey.

Delivered by:

Dr Greg Irving - Associate Medical Director for Research, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.

Gabbie Marr -Senior Research and Innovation Lead, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.

Professor Ian Buchan - W.H. Duncan Chair in Public Health Systems, Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation, Civic Health Innovation Labs (CHIL) Director - University of Liverpool.

Jackie Dobbins - Senior Research Project Support Officer, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside.