Early Detect. Early Protect. – Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Screening
Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Every year, 7,000 people in Cheshire and Merseyside die of cancer.
Many of those deaths could be avoided through routine screening – and we want to help make that happen.
The Early Detect. Early Protect. website and accompanying toolkit resources have been created to help frontline community healthcare professionals get more people talking and thinking about screening, so they can make informed choices.
Because the more cancer we can detect early, the more lives we can save. Conversations can make all the difference.
Below is a list of the key messages the campaign promotes about having conversations around screening.
- Promote healthy choices – Healthy lifestyle choices can play a big role in reducing cancer risk – 21% of cervical cancer cases are linked to smoking – so it’s a good place to start.
- Say ‘yes’ to screening – Lots of people ignore their screening invitation because they feel well and are busy. It’s important to encourage patients to say Yes – just in case. If you feel well and have no symptoms, screening is for you!
- Know the signs – Knowing how to recognise the signs and symptoms of all three cancers can also help with early diagnosis, so share these insights whenever you can.
- Talk more openly - Cancer and certain body parts carry taboos, but the more open conversations we have about cancer with colleagues, patients, networks and loved ones the more lives will be saved.
- Share #positivecancermessages – Detecting cancer early saves lives and we should celebrate screening and individuals’ stories every chance we get.
For more information about cancer screening and resources for professionals, visit: www.earlydetectearlyprotect-nhs.co.uk