Mental Health Awareness Week 2023
Monday, 15 May 2023

This Mental Health Awareness Week, Every Mind Matters is launching a new campaign to encourage people to make the first move for their mental health to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
Whilst anxiety can help us to focus or take extra care when needed, if it gets too much for us or if it persists, it can have a negative impact on our daily life. The good news is that there are simple ways to help manage symptoms of anxiety.
Physical activity can increase feel-good hormones and help reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress.
Any amount of physical activity is better than none, but regular activity is recommended, so it’s helpful to find an activity you like and are able to do regularly, even if that means starting small and building up slowly.
This is why Every Mind Matters is encouraging people to make the first move for their mental health.
The Every Mind Matters website has lots of NHS-approved tips and advice to help you stay on top of your mental wellbeing, including links to free apps that will support you to make the first move whatever your starting point.
Plus, you can also sign up to our free anxiety-easing email programme that offers expert advice to help you stay on top of your mental wellbeing and shows you how to make these new steps part of your daily routine.
Visit Every Mind Matters to make the first move for your mental health.