St Helens

St Helens has a population of approximately 180,000 people.

In the 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), St Helens was ranked as the 26th most deprived local authority in England out of 317. Its relative position has deteriorated since the 2015 IMD.

Almost a quarter of St Helens residents live in the 10% most deprived neighbourhoods in the country.

Average life expectancy is 77.5 for males and 81 for females – both below the England average.

The main causes of premature death for under 75s in 2019 were: cancers, circulatory disease and respiratory disease.

Admissions to hospital for alcohol harm is the eighth highest in the north west; 13% of adults smoke; more than 2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese; 1 in 5 adults is physically inactive and less than 50% eat the recommended '5 a day'.


Key priorities

Mental Wellbeing

  • support people at risk from self-harm
  • reduce alcohol dependency
  • improve personal wellbeing

Healthy Weight

  • support healthy eating choices in the borough
  • encourage residents to lead a more active lifestyle
  • improve healthy life expectancy in the borough

Resilient Communities

  • support people to live independently
  • reduce social isolation and loneliness
  • embed multi-sector working in the borough's four localities and networking



Tel: 01744 457237