Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust (CMAST)

CMAST, the Cheshire and Merseyside Acute and Specialist Trust Alliance, is a collaborative of providers.
In the immediate and short-term our vision is to ensure the coordination of an effective provider response to current system and NHS priorities including:
- Ongoing COVID-19 pandemic response
- NHS service restoration and elective recovery
- Support and mutual aid
- Sharing best practice, increasing standardisation and reducing variation
We will work together to speak with one voice, enhancing our ability to lead on system-wide programmes and workforce development, including harnessing clinical and professional leadership resources.
In the medium and longer term we will develop an overview of existing services, locations and pathways to ensure they are patient-centred, productive, streamlined and of high quality.
We will work with system colleagues to ensure finances and organisational structures facilitate change and do not obstruct progress. We will work together, in Places and with partners to ensure that those in greatest need have access to high quality services.
CMAST providers
Alder Hey Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust*
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust*
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust*
Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust*
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust**
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* Also a part of the MHLDC Provider Collaborative
** Key system partner
CMAST programmes
Clinical Pathways
Clinical Pathways Programme
Elective Recovery and Transformation
Elective Recovery and Transformation Programme
Diagnostics Programme
Workforce Programme
Finance, Efficiency and Value
Finance, Efficiency and Value Programme
Further information
CMAST news
Good news and updates from CMAST
CMAST briefings
Briefings, board updates and more