Women’s Services Committee Chair’s Briefing - December 2023

This is a very short update, following on from the meeting of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB) on Thursday 30 November, to let you know that the board approved the changes it had been asked to consider around the way that the women’s services programme is structured.
You can read more detail about what this will mean in my last briefing, however the main action that will take place as a result is that a new Programme Board will now be established to manage the development and delivery of the programme, so that the Women’s Services Committee can focus on its oversight role.
The decision means that we can move ahead with setting up these new arrangements, and continue with work to take the programme forward, including progressing our plans for public and patient involvement as a priority. I’ll provide a further update on this early in the new year.
Raj Jain
Chair, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB, and Women’s Services Committee