Efficiency at Scale

Project leads

Ged Murphy

Senior Responsible Officer

Ian Haythornwaite

Chair Sponsor

We work with system partners to identify and reduce unwarranted variation, ensuring quality and value-for-money benefits realisation with a focus on corporate services and system collaboration.

Workstream portfolio

In line with the 2023/24 NHS Operational and Planning Guidance, the workstream portfolio covers:

  • Systems working collectively to release efficiency savings where possible and improving service delivery
  • Support a productive workforce and reduce agency expenditure.
  • Reduce corporate running costs.
  • Reduce procurement and supply chain costs.
  • Improve inventory management.
  • Purchase medicines at the most effective price point

We are using the National Corporate Services Transformation Programme to support the workstream development and benefits realisation.


The aim is to identify and reduce unwarranted variation across corporate services, increasing service reliance and improving value for money. We are adopting the following principles to achieve this:


Develop improved work methods that maximise output whilst improving quality and reduce costs.


Services, policies, process and procedures to support delivery of efficient service and enable at scale opportunities across the system.


Co-ordination of corporate services across the ICS to support cost effective, resilience and efficient services.


Processes and task to reduce duplication, increase efficiency and reduce/avoid errors.


Services across partnership organisations to achieve economies of scale, improved service delivery, increased service resilience and reduce cost.

Purchase at scale

Good and services purchased at scale across the ICS to ensure the system and NHS get best value for money.