Leading For Improvement - NHS IMPACT Event

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Floral Pavilion Theatre and Conference Centre, New Brighton, Wirral, CH45 2JS.

Leaders from all parts of our system attended ‘Leading for Improvement’ - a first-of-its-kind event for the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System (ICS).

By creating the right conditions for continuous improvement, our ICS can respond to today’s challenges, deliver better care for patients, and improve services for the future.

This event formed a space for leaders to come together to consider where we are on our improvement journey, to learn from each other, to celebrate success and to explore opportunities to accelerate system-wide adoption.

Presentations from our speakers

Presentations from the event are available below to view or download.


What is NHS IMPACT and why is it important?  -John Ashcroft - Director of NHS IMPACT and Pathway Transformation, NHS England

Health Foundation Q Community: Framework for System Improvement - Jen Morgan - Local System Lead, The Health Foundation’s Q Community

LUHFT approach to improvement: The House Model - Siobhan Roberts - Director of Quality Improvement at Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust

Kindness - Creating the Conditions for Improvement - Dan Grimes - System Director for Improvement and Transformation, Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust and Mersey Care

An Introduction to Systems Leadership - Cathy Sloan - Head of System Transformation, Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua)

How Can NICE Support and Enable Local Systems to Improve Patient Outcomes 

- Dr Clare Morgan - Director of Impact & Partnerships, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE)

- Craig Davidson - Implementation Consultant, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE)

- Alexa Forrester - Implementation Support Manager, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE)

Clinical and Care Professional Leadership: Opportunities for IMPACT 

- Jen Kohan - Head of Coaching, Health Innovation North West Coast.

- Suzy Ning - National Operations Director, NHS Clinical Leaders Network.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital – Hospital Wide Flow Improvement Programme - Helen Walker - Associate Director of Improvement, Wirral University Teaching Hospital

Alder Hey Hospital – Brilliant Basics Improvement System 

- Nathan Askew - Chief Nursing, AHP and Experience Officer, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

- Natalie Palin - Director of Transformation and Change, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

- Jennie Williams - Head of Improvement, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Mersey Care - The National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative to reduce long-term segregation

- Dr Jennifer Kilcoyne - Director for the National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

- Danny Angus - Associate Director for the National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Using the Building Blocks to See the Big Picture

- Dr Peter Chamberlain - Clinical Lead for Quality and System Improvement, NHS Cheshire & Merseyside

- Sarah Walker - Programme Manager - Capability Building, Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua)

How the Model Health System Can Be Used to Support Your Improvement Journey

- Chloe Kastoryano - Relationship Lead, Model Health System, NHS England

- Jim Hatton - Deputy Director of Analytics, NHS England.

- Stephen Hodges - Deputy Director System Improvement – Cheshire and Merseyside, NHS England NW

Primary Care / Secondary Care Interface - Dr Jonathan Griffiths - GP and Associate Medical Director - Primary Care, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

Research and Innovation as a Main Cross Cutting Theme Within Cheshire and Merseyside's Improvement Journey 

- Dr Greg Irving - Associate Medical Director for Research, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

- Gabbie Marr -Senior Research and Innovation Lead, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside

- Professor Ian Buchan - W.H. Duncan Chair in Public Health Systems, Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation, Civic Health Innovation Labs (CHIL) Director - University of Liverpool

- Jackie Dobbins - Senior Research Project Support Officer, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside


There is compelling evidence of the benefits that can flow from systematic improvement approaches, and that improvement culture can play a critical role in shaping the future of health care.

When implemented and embedded effectively, they can be used to achieve measurable improvements in quality and patient care outcomes, as well as achieving productivity and efficiency gains.

As part of the National Improvement Board, NHS England has developed the NHS IMPACT (Improving Patient Care Together) Framework as an improvement approach to support organisations, systems, and providers to shape their strategy - underpinning this with continuous improvement, the sharing of best practice and learning from one another.

NHS IMPACT sets out five components that form the ‘DNA’ of all evidence-based improvement methods, which underpin a systematic approach to continuous improvement:  

1. A shared purpose and vision which are widely spread and guide all improvement effort.

2. Investment in people and in building an improvement focused culture.

3. Leaders at every level who understand improvement and practise it in their daily work.

4. The consistent use of an appropriate suite of improvement methods.

5. The embedding of improvement into management processes so that it becomes the way in which we lead and run our organisations and systems.

When these five components are consistently used, systems and organisations create the right conditions for continuous improvement and high performance, responding to today's challenges, and delivering better care for patients and better outcomes for communities.

Event agenda
Time Agenda Speaker
9.00 - 9.45 Registration and networking  
9.45 - 10.25

Welcome and Housekeeping

Opening Address

Leading for Improvement in Cheshire and Merseyside

Clinical Leadership for Improvement and the Importance of Data

Fiona Lemmens

Raj Jain

Graham Urwin


Rowan Pritchard Jones

10.25 - 10.55 What is NHS IMPACT and why is it important?

Video from Amar Shah

John Ashcroft

10.55 - 11.25 Health Foundation Q Community: Framework for System Improvement Jen Morgan
11.25 - 11.45 BREAK  
11.45 - 12.15 LUHFT approach to improvement: The House Model Siobhan Roberts
12.15 - 12.45 Q&A Panel Discussion All
12.45 - 13.30 LUNCH AND NETWORKING  
13.30 - 15.45 Breakout sessions Rotation
15.45 - 16.00 BREAK  
16.00 - 16.30


Closing remarks

Fiona Lemmens

Raj Jain